Delivered by OACP partners and stakeholders
A range of training sessions across multiple dates aimed at CHC knowledge delivered by BOC ICB, including:
CHC referrals will not be accepted unless they are sent by a trained peron within the care home setting. A letter was sent to care homes between June and Sept 2024 to alert care homes.
Wednesday 29 January
10 - 11.30 am
Join Edward O'Brien from leading immigration experts Lester Aldridge.
Wednesday 5 February
10 - 11.30 am
Join Edward O'Brien from leading immigration experts Lester Aldridge.
Wednesday, 12 February
10 - 11.30 am
Join Edward O'Brien from leading immigration experts Lester Aldridge.
Wednesday 19 February 2025
1 pm on Zoom
How can research improve social care services for seldom-heard groups?
Find out in our webinar featuring findings from 3 NIHR studies on:
Presentations followed by a Q&A session, giving you a unique chance to quiz the speakers on how this research could be implemented at your organisation.
Join care providers and concerned people from England on a peaceful march from Westminster Abbey to Parliament Square Gardens to raise the profile and concerns of adult social care.
More details are in our weekly newsletter.
Monday 3 March
1 - 2pm
Hospital at home and virtual wards use technology to monitor someone’s condition and provide remote as well as face-to-face care. These services aim to help avoid hospital admissions and facilitate early discharge.
In this webinar, researchers and a clinician will present evidence from 3 reviews on hospital at home and virtual wards. Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.
The webinar will help participants understand:
Wednesday 14 May
10:30am - 12pm
Meet one of the Clinical Leads from the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and West Berkshire Integrated Care Board who will talk about Continuing Health Care (CHC). Some of the topics covered will include: