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OACP networks bring together care operators in sector-specific virtual networks.
Networks are open to Oxfordshire providers only.
Please use the links to express your interest in the relevant network.
Links are shared in our networks bulletins.
This provider network brings together managers and care operators delivering services for people with a learning disaibility and/ or autism. This includes supported living and day services.
We meet monthly on the first Tuesday at 10 am.
This provider network brings together managers and care operators delivering home care, live-in and extra care housing services.
We meet monthly on the second Monday at 1 pm.
This provider network brings together managers and care operators managing residential and nursing homes.
We meet monthly on the second Wednesday at 2 pm.
The Registered Manager Network is delivered by Skills for Care in partnership with OACP.
The Network is only for Registered Managers or Deputy Managers and meets three to four times each year.