Data survey headlines

Data survey headlines

95% of providers who replied said they were seriously concerned about the impact the Budget will have on their organisation

Business viability

73% will need to refuse to accept new packages of care from LAs or the NHS

57% will need to hand back contracts to local authorities or the NHS

43% will need to shorten homecare visits

92% serving the self-funder market will need to increase rates


64% will need to let staff go

86% will not be increasing wages of other staff, reducing salary differentials

64% will be stepping back from paying Real Living Wage

76% will be making cuts to training and resources for staff

Business investment

71% will be abandoning business growth plans

75% will be reducing or stopping investment in digital transformation

80% of those providing building-based services will be reducing or stopping capital investment

78% will be reducing or stopping investment in service development

78% will be reducing or stopping environmental/de-carbonisation efforts

Business future

22% are planning to close down their businesses

36% are planning to close some of their services

32% are planning to sell their business

39% of those in building based settings are planning to look at a change of building use

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